Namaste, in these hard times,
Teaching good manners and hygienic basics to the new generation, make them aware of the real dangers to the poor conditions of hygiene or bad behaviour sometimes endangering the lives of others.
Pass the message to younger allow to disseminate within families and little by little throughout a community, settlement or village.
Thank you very much.
My name is Philippe A. NEGRE, French teacher, living in India for 9 years and social worker volunteer for the Voice Of Universal Education Society, NGO in Udaipur for these last 5 years, and 3 years with the SYLPHI FOUNDATION INDIA in Maruwas, and now with SYLPHI FOUNDATION NEPAL in Bardiya. I teach wood carving, carpentry-cabinet making, history of art, computer, safety at work and my current mission is to teach and share my knowledge of the 'WinS Program' (Wash in Schools) in schools.
During my course, I offer interactive games, showing videos of the topic and encourage the children to participate in the "Swachh Bharat" with the necessary materials, for a good understanding of it. I developed this manual, taking simple examples for the teachers, thus they can help children to understand the usefulness of the "Wash in Schools Program".
My demonstration‘s tools are simple: some objects commonly used as balls of colours to describe microbes; 3 bottles filled with water: the first drinking water (R.O or mineral water), the second water and marbles (hand pump); and the third with a bit of earth (river). These, as an example, differentiate the waters.
Using a microscope with platelets to show the microorganisms, I use caps of markers to explain the division and multiplication of the bacteria; a new toothbrush and one used as a nails cutter and various instruments which can capture bacteria and which are invisible to the naked eyes.
To facilitate the work and review the various topics during my lessons, I use posters provided by different NGOs of the program and downloadable documents on our website / WinS Program page.
I picked up many sources of information in divers too many technical books, and I did with that a pleasant and attractive book for primary classes, to help teachers to explain what the «WinS Program» with more facility is. The managers of all the schools where I profess every week validate my book.
In these hard times, I wish that the distribution of this manual on Hygiene manual and Good Health contributed to the best comprehension of an environment where all children grow, learn, play and share every day, giving them more safety, good health. This message is important for their future and all our India.
Thank you very much.
Ananda Philippe A. NEGRE

I would be happy to present it in your institution, to teach
your classes 2-6, during the school year...
If you are interested, please contact the office of our Foundation, for all information:
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: +91 8003859894 or
+977 9808318700

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