Est une fondation bénévole à but non lucratif, non gouvernementale, travaillant dans des villages tribaux et ruraux. Pendant neuf ans, nous avons travaillé comme enseignants et travailleurs sociaux pour trois ONG en Inde, avec les communautés, les familles et les enfants. Maintenant nous allons continué nos actions au Népal


Comme prévu dans son énoncé de mission, SYLPHI FOUNDATION NEPAL adopte le rôle de catalyseur. Son objectif est d'aider les personnes dans leur processus de développement et de devenir suffisamment capables de gérer leur vie et leur environnement de manière autonome.

SYLPHI FOUNDATION NEPAL a essayé de créer la véritable solution aux problèmes en remettant en question les anciens problèmes et en recherchant de nouvelles perspectives. C'est un défi. Mais c'est le défi que SYLPHI FOUNDATION NEPAL a relevé avec fermeté, rigueur et détermination.

Les gens sont totalement dépendants de la nature et doivent souvent faire face à des moments très difficiles lorsque la mousson échoue.

Les problématiques traitées par la Fondation sont :



Proposition d'amélioration de l'éducation rurale au Népal

Contexte :
L'éducation est un facteur crucial dans le développement de toute société. Cependant, les zones rurales du Népal sont confrontées à des défis importants pour fournir une éducation de qualité à leurs enfants. Le manque d'infrastructures adéquates, les familles à faible revenu et l'accès limité aux ressources éducatives sont quelques-uns des principaux obstacles qui entravent les progrès de l'éducation rurale au Népal. En réponse à ce défi, notre ONGI propose une approche globale pour améliorer l'éducation rurale au Népal.


Our objective is to increase access to quality education for rural children in Nepal. We aim to improve the educational infrastructure in rural areas and enhance the quality of education provided to children. Additionally, we seek to increase the number of children completing primary and secondary education and improve their overall academic performance.

Our proposed approach to rural education improvement in Nepal will involve the following key components:

Building Educational Infrastructure:
We will collaborate with local communities and government agencies to construct new classrooms, libraries, and other educational facilities in rural areas. We will also upgrade existing facilities to meet modern standards and ensure that they are safe, conducive, and equipped with the necessary learning resources.

Teacher Training:
We will provide training and professional development opportunities for teachers in rural areas. This will include workshops, seminars, and mentoring programs to improve their teaching skills and knowledge of innovative teaching methods. We will also work with local education authorities to recruit and retain qualified teachers in rural schools.

Curriculum Enhancement:
We will work with the government and local communities to develop and implement a curriculum that is relevant to the needs of rural children. This will include integrating life skills and vocational education into the curriculum to prepare children for the challenges of the future. We will also encourage the use of technology in education to enhance learning outcomes.

Parent and Community Engagement:
We will work closely with parents and community members to promote the value of education and increase their involvement in their children's education. This will include awareness campaigns, parent-teacher meetings, and community events to showcase the benefits of education.

Monitoring and Evaluation:
We will conduct regular monitoring and evaluation of our programs to measure their impact and ensure that they are achieving their objectives. We will use data to inform our decision-making and make adjustments to our programs as necessary.

Expected Outcomes:
• Increased access to quality education for rural children, particularly girls.
• Improved educational infrastructure in rural areas.
• Increased number of children completing primary and secondary education.
• Improved academic performance of rural children.
• Enhanced teaching skills and knowledge of innovative teaching methods among rural teachers.
• Increased involvement of parents and community members in their children's education.

The budget will cover the cost of building and upgrading educational infrastructure, teacher training, curriculum development, community engagement, monitoring and evaluation, and program administration.

The proposed approach to rural education improvement in Nepal will have a significant impact on the lives of rural children, particularly girls. By working closely with local communities and education authorities, we will be able to provide a quality education that is relevant to the needs of rural children. We are confident that our program will contribute to the overall development of Nepal by empowering its future generations through education.

Learning English and French for Rural Nepali Schools

Program Objectives:


● Améliorer la maîtrise de l'anglais et du français des élèves des écoles rurales népalaises.
● Offrir aux enseignants une formation et un soutien pour enseigner efficacement l'anglais et le français.
● Améliorer le soutien communautaire à l'apprentissage des langues dans les écoles rurales népalaises.

Composantes du programme :

Programme d'études : Un programme d'études sur mesure sera élaboré et comprendra des plans de cours, des activités et des évaluations pour enseigner les compétences de base en lecture, en écriture et en anglais et en français.

Formation des enseignants : un programme de formation sera proposé aux enseignants, axé sur les méthodes d'enseignement des langues, la mise en œuvre du programme et l'évaluation des élèves.

Intégration de la technologie : La technologie sera intégrée au programme pour améliorer les possibilités d'apprentissage des langues. Par exemple, des ressources en ligne, des logiciels éducatifs et des médias numériques seront utilisés pour compléter l'enseignement en classe.

Engagement communautaire : L'engagement communautaire sera priorisé pour promouvoir un environnement d'apprentissage favorable. Les parents et les membres de la communauté seront invités à participer au programme et recevront des ressources pour soutenir l'apprentissage de la langue de leur enfant.

Suivi et évaluation : Un plan de suivi et d'évaluation sera élaboré pour suivre les progrès et s'assurer que le programme atteint ses objectifs. Des données seront recueillies sur le rendement, l'assiduité et la satisfaction des élèves afin de mesurer l'efficacité du programme et d'effectuer les ajustements nécessaires.

Calendrier du programme :

Le programme sera mis en œuvre dans un premier temps sur une période de 2 ans, avec le calendrier suivant :

Encadrement 1 : Mener une évaluation des besoins, élaborer un programme sur mesure, offrir une formation aux enseignants et intégrer la technologie dans le programme.
Cadre 2 : Mettre en œuvre le programme, impliquer la communauté et effectuer un suivi et une évaluation pour suivre les progrès et mesurer l'efficacité du programme.

Partenaires du programme :

Le programme sera mis en œuvre en partenariat avec des ONG locales, des dirigeants communautaires et le ministère de l'Éducation du Népal. Cette collaboration garantira que le programme répond aux besoins de la population cible et qu'il est durable au-delà de la période de mise en œuvre initiale.


Le budget du programme sera estimé sur la base de l'évaluation des besoins et des composantes du programme. Le budget couvrira les dépenses liées à l'élaboration des programmes, à la formation des enseignants, à l'intégration de la technologie, à l'engagement communautaire, ainsi qu'au suivi et à l'évaluation.

En résumé, le programme "Apprendre l'anglais et le français pour les écoles rurales népalaises" est conçu pour améliorer les compétences linguistiques des élèves népalais ruraux, fournir une formation et un soutien aux enseignants, intégrer la technologie, impliquer la communauté et suivre les progrès. Le programme vise à promouvoir l'apprentissage durable des langues et à soutenir le développement éducatif des communautés rurales au Népal.

Program: Empowering Women through Scientific Farming


To provide women with the skills and knowledge necessary to practice scientific farming techniques
To increase women’s income and economic independence through the implementation of scientific farming practices.
To promote gender equality in the agricultural sector by increasing the participation of women in farming activities.


Training Programs: Develop and implement training programs that provide women with the knowledge and skills necessary to practice scientific farming techniques. The program would include both theoretical and practical components, covering topics such as soil conservation, crop management, pest control, and farm business management.

Access to Resources: Ensure that women have access to the necessary resources for scientific farming, such as quality seeds, fertilizers, and tools. The program would provide support for women to access these resources at affordable prices.


Demonstration Farms: Establish demonstration farms where women can learn from experienced farmers and observe best practices in scientific farming. The program would work with local experts to ensure that the demonstration farms are appropriate for the local environment and crops.

Market Linkages: Establish market linkages for women farmers to ensure that they have access to markets for their produce. The program would provide training in marketing and business management, and work with local buyers to ensure that women farmers receive fair prices for their produce.

Networking: Facilitate networking among women farmers, allowing them to share experiences, knowledge, and best practices. The program would organize regular meetings, workshops, and conferences for women farmers, and provide opportunities for them to connect with each other and with other stakeholders in the agricultural sector.

Expected outcomes:

● Increased knowledge and skills among women farmers in scientific farming techniques
● Increased income and economic independence among women farmers through improved productivity and market linkages.
● Increased participation of women in the agricultural sector, leading to greater gender equality
● Improved food security and nutrition in the communities where the program is implemented.

Overall, this program would provide women farmers with the skills and knowledge necessary to practice scientific farming techniques, leading to increased productivity, income, and economic independence. The program would also promote gender equality in the agricultural sector and contribute to improved food security and nutrition in the communities where it is implemented.

Program: Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Wash in Schools (WinS) for Healthy Children.


● To improve access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities in schools.
● To promote healthy behaviors among school children and their families through hygiene education.
● To reduce the prevalence of waterborne diseases and improve child health outcomes.



Infrastructure Improvement: Improve the infrastructure of schools by providing access to safe water sources, and constructing gender-sensitive toilets, and handwashing facilities. The program would work with local communities to ensure that the infrastructure is appropriate and sustainable.

Hygiene Promotion: Develop and implement hygiene education programs for school children and their families. The program would focus on promoting handwashing, safe drinking water practices, and proper sanitation and hygiene practices.

Behavior Change Communication: Develop and implement behavior change communication campaigns to promote healthy behaviors among school children and their families. The program would use a variety of communication channels, such as posters, radio broadcasts, and community meetings.

Capacity Building: Build the capacity of teachers and school administrators to manage and maintain WASH facilities and promote healthy behaviors among school children. The program would provide training and support to teachers and school administrators to ensure that they have the necessary skills and knowledge to manage WASH facilities and promote healthy behaviors.

Monitoring and Evaluation: Establish a monitoring and evaluation system to measure the impact of the program and ensure that it is achieving its goals. The program would collect data on access to WASH facilities, hygiene behaviors, and child health outcomes, and use this data to inform program improvements.

Expected outcomes:

● Improved access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities in schools.
● Improved hygiene behaviors among school children and their families, leading to reduced incidence of waterborne diseases.
● Improved child health outcomes, such as reduced absenteeism and improved cognitive development.
● Increased capacity of teachers and school administrators to manage and maintain WASH facilities and promote healthy behaviors.

Overall, this program would provide schools with the necessary infrastructure and support to promote safe water, sanitation, and hygiene practices, leading to improved child health outcomes and reduced incidence of waterborne diseases. The program would also build the capacity of teachers and school administrators to manage and maintain WASH facilities and promote healthy behaviors, contributing to the sustainability of the program.

Program: Technology Training for Monks in Gumba


● To provide monks with the skills and knowledge necessary to use technology effectively in their daily lives.
● To promote the use of technology in the preservation and dissemination of Buddhist teachings.
● To improve the quality of life for monks through increased access to information and communication technologies.


Teach Monastery
Teach Monastery

Needs Assessment: Conduct a needs assessment to identify the specific technology needs of monks in Gumba. The assessment would consider factors such as access to technology, existing skills and knowledge, and the specific ways in which technology could be used to support the preservation and dissemination of Buddhist teachings.

Technology Training: Develop and implement technology training programs for monks, focusing on skills such as computer literacy, internet use, and basic software applications. The program would provide both theoretical and practical training and would be tailored to the specific needs of the monks.

Technology Support: Provide ongoing technical support to monks, including technical assistance, troubleshooting, and maintenance. The program would ensure that monks have access to the necessary hardware and software, and would work with local partners to ensure that the technology is appropriate and sustainable.

Information and Communication Technologies: Promote the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to support the preservation and dissemination of Buddhist teachings. The program would provide training on the use of digital media, such as audio and video recordings, and would work with local partners to ensure that the digital content is accessible and culturally appropriate.

Networking: Facilitate networking among monks and with other stakeholders in the technology and Buddhist communities. The program would organize regular meetings, workshops, and conferences, providing opportunities for monks to share experiences, knowledge, and best practices.

Expected outcomes:

● Increased skills and knowledge among monks in the use of technology.
● Increased use of technology to support the preservation and dissemination of Buddhist teachings
● Improved quality of life for monks through increased access to information and communication technologies.
● Increased collaboration and networking among monks and with other stakeholders in the technology and Buddhist communities.

Overall, this program would provide monks with the skills and knowledge necessary to use technology effectively in their daily lives and to support the preservation and dissemination of Buddhist teachings. The program would also improve the quality of life for monks through increased access to information and communication technologies, and would promote collaboration and networking among monks and
with other stakeholders in the technology and Buddhist communities.